Category Archives: NUTRITION

Feel good foods, recipes and nutrition tips to be your best self.

Just the Fats: Quick Breakdown of Dietary Fats

It’s one of the three main macronutrients in our diet and it’s essential to our health. I’m talking all about fat today. At nine calories per gram, fat supplies the body with a substantial energy, helps form cell membranes, and aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. Americans went through a phase (over […]

Reflecting Back and Thinking Forward

A lot has happened in 2016! The year started off with me passing my Registered Dietitian Exam and becoming licensed, looking for jobs which seemed like an eternity, finally taking a vacation with my husband which hasn’t happened in 5 years, and much much more. One thing I thought to myself while reflecting was, “Where […]

My Favorite FREE Apps

I feel like there’s an app for everything these days, which is great! Below are some of my favorite FREE apps that I use frequently myself or with clients. Nike+ Training Club This is one of my favorite fitness apps! It has the ability incorporate strength, flexibility, and cardio into a customized training plan that […]